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Managing Staff Energy

Energy Time quadrant

New research published by Gartner has found that nearly 70% of employees don’t feel engaged, enthusiastic and energised by their work.


Their research also found that “those who report being energized and excited about their work are 31% more likely to stay at their organization, 31% more likely to go above and beyond (discretionary effort), and they contribute 15% more”.


One of the main factors for this, is that employees feel they can simply no longer keep up. This underscores once again the importance of managing employee energy.


We often focus on managing time (the real reason many employers are calling staff back to the office), but this is a great reminder that in order to optimise efficiency and performance, it is important to also manage energy.


Here are a few suggestions:


1) Help employees see the value of their work and how it contributes to the organisations purpose. What are the practical business outcomes resulting from them delivering on their responsibilities?

2)Fix cumbersome processes that makes employees jobs harder. Cumbersome processes simply wear people down.

3)One on one catch ups are often characterised by reporting on progress of goals. Ensure you spend time on how you can support them so that you get the report v support balance right.

4) Show some appreciation and be specific with your praise. Don’t just tell them they have done a good job. Tell them exactly what they do well.

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